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  • Writer's pictureAllysia

Crossroad: Kota Kendari

Updated: Feb 20, 2019

It was set on January 9, it was my second time outside the country but the first time to go through different airports with no one else, but me. The flight to Kendari required me to go through 3 flights: Manila to Bali, Bali to Makassar, and Makassar to Kendari. The journey took one whole day but excitement was oozing all over my system.

Upon arrival, I was greeted by the warm smile of our coordinating teacher, Ma’am Ade, which warmed me enough amidst the cold and wet weather. Kota Kendari was a city I have never heard of and through the long ride going to our dorm, I saw that it was a developing city. I knew a lot of wonderful things were waiting for me.

Being the last to arrive among the 5 Filipinos designated to Kota Kendari, I had to catch up with the itinerary and true enough the day after arrival, off we were to meeting with the VIPs namely Pak Asrun Lio, the Head of Ministry of Education and Culture in south east Sulawesi; Pak Jamiluddin, the Dean of FKIP; and the Vice Rektor for Academic Affairs. These persons who are to guide us through our stay in Kendari gave me a very welcoming feel and it made me realize that they are excited for us in as much as I am excited to get to experience their kota. As we tour around the receiving university, Universitas Halu Oleo (UHO), I learned that it is one of the biggest universities in Indonesia which houses around 16 fakultas.

Meeting the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Dr. La Hamimu, S.Si., M.T. and the Vice Dean III of FKIP, Pak Mustamin Anggo

Wearing our UHO merch

Together with the Dean of FKIP, Pak Jamiluddin, the Vice Dean, and our coordinator, we went to Pak Asrun Lio, Head of Ministry of Education and Culture for South East Sulawesi

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